Highflats Partnership Strengthened
Yesterday we had the privilege of meeting with the fantastic partnership of Gavin Lister and Nhlanhla Mathenjwa in the Highflats area of the Harry Gwala District. Nhlanhla completed a years practical experience on the Lister's farm in 2013 in order to obtain his diploma in plant production. Thereafter, due to his tremendous passion for farming and the excellence with which he performs his job, he was given the position of farm manager which he has now occupied for five years. Nhlanhla and his family is in the process of obtaining title deeds to a piece of land neighbouring the Lister's farm and with Gavin's help, has over the course of two years turned fallow land into productive land including 40Ha of sugarcane with 20Ha of timber in the process of being sorted and established.
The area left of the road resembles what the land looked like on the right of the road before Nhlanhla and Gavin began to put it to work about two years ago.